Monday, December 9, 2013

Source code and usage instructions

I have posted my source code online at My changes to the source code can be found mostly in clkinit.c, clkint.S, initialize.c, xsh_msleep.c, xsh_spawn_decprio.c, xsh_spawn_incprio.c, evec.c, and wakeup.c. Naturally, not all of the code in those files is mine, but the differences between those files and those available at the Xinu website should make my contributions clear. Also, a grep -RF "/***" * will reveal the locations of most of my source code comments, either made to describe my own code, or made in the course of inspecting the Xinu source as I began to understand it.

To test or use the software, the easiest method would be to run it in a virtual machine, as I did. The instructions for setting up your environment can be found, just as they were linked in my first post, here. Then, create a share on your develop-end machine by adding something like the following to /etc/fstab and creating the directory "share" inside the xinu home directory:

xinu_share    /home/xinu/share     vboxsf   gid=1000,uid=1000   0    0

and configure your VirtualBox VM shares as demonstrated in this screenshot:

and untar/gzip the source into a directory inside the directory you chose to share to the guest OS as xinu_share. From that point on, you'll be able to edit files on your host operating system, and just use the guest develop-end OS for compilation and the minicom modem viewer.

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